Saturday, June 5, 2010

I miss him!

I dreamt about him last night.
yes, the terror of him.
he, not just a man,
but made me who I am.
though he was never there.
Oh how I wish that dream would come true.

I broke down today,
I cried hard.
the absence of him kills me.
the 'I love you's' I will never hear,
the hugs I will not feel,
the kissed I'll never remember.
your voice I'll never know.

how are you everywhere
but really not here at all?
your presence is with me,
the reminder is constant.
the tears won't stop!

I hurt today
I feel the hole in my heart.
will it ever get easier?
will I know?
can you answer me that? can't
now what's left to say is.....

I wish he was here.
I dream him alive
but know him not.
I never heard your voice
I never felt your hugs,
I'll never know you.
all I know is the pain I wish I could rid away.

yeah you thought I was talking about a stupid boy.
no boy could make me hurt this bad.
I miss my dad.
May 25, 1970- December 3, 1994
Rest in Peace.

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